Tantric Yoga – Lotus Position, Yoga Poses And Intermediate Guide

Tantric Yoga is a type of yoga that emphasizes the connection between the body and mind. It is said to be one of the most spiritual types of yoga and can be quite intense. While there are many different styles of yoga, Tantric Yoga is often seen as one of the more challenging disciplines.

Tantric yoga is a form of yoga that is said to promote spiritual growth and sexual liberation. It is said to be more advanced than other forms of yoga, and it incorporates meditation, breathwork, and mantra chanting into the practice. While there is no single definition of tantric yoga, it is generally understood to involve sexual energy cultivation and liberation. Some people view tantric yoga as a way to connect with their authentic selves and experience true bliss. Others see it as a way to explore their sexuality in a safe, healthy way.

1. The lotus position

is a seated posture where you sit with your legs crossed and tucked up close to your body. It might seem like an uncomfortable position at first, but it can be quite beneficial for your spine and pelvic health. Additionally, the lotus position can help to open up your hips and improve blood circulation throughout your body.

The bridge pose is a yoga posture that can help to improve your spinal health and flexibility. It is also a great pose for improving circulation and relieving stress

The cobra pose is a yoga move that helps to improve flexibility and strengthen the spine. It is also said to provide relief from backaches and fatigue4. Child’s pose

2. How to get started with Tantric Yoga

Tantric Yoga is a powerful spiritual practice that can improve your health, well-being, and spiritual connection. If you’re interested in getting started with tantric yoga, here are a few tips to help you get started

First, find a qualified teacher There are many different ways to find a yoga teacher, depending on your location and preferences. Some people prefer to take classes at a studio, while others may choose to work one-on-one with a personal instructor. You can also find qualified yoga teachers online or through social media groups. No matter how you go about it, be sure to ask around for recommendations and do your research before signing up for anything.

 Second, be patient and don’t expect results overnight. When it comes to yoga, results don’t happen overnight. People often become discouraged with the practice when they don’t see immediate improvements. But, like anything else in life, being patient is key to success. In fact, consistency over time is what will help you reap the greatest benefits from yoga. So, if you’re looking for a way to improve your health and wellbeing, stick with yoga and be patient the rewards will come.

3. The different poses and techniques involved in Tantric Yoga

Poses are at the heart of yoga. They’re what make up a typical class, and they can be used to create sequences or flows. In Tantric yoga, poses take on an entirely new meaning. They are seen as opportunities for spiritual growth and expression, and they can be used to open up energy pathways in the body. When practiced with mindfulness and intention, Tantric poses can be extremely beneficial both physically and spiritually. If you’re interested in exploring the world of Tantric yoga, here are five simple poses to get you started.

Camel pose is one of the more intermediate yoga poses, but it’s worth working up to. This pose stretches and strengthens the entire back body—from the hips to the upper back. It also opens up the chest and Throat Chakras, making it a great pose for overall spine health.

4. What to expect during a Yoga class or session

If you’ve never experienced a Tantric Yoga class before, here is what you can expect. A typical session will last for around two hours and will include a gentle warm-up, pranayama (breathing exercises), asana (yoga poses), and deep relaxation. The class focus is on the breath and the connection between mind, body, and spirit. You will be guided through each pose so that you can deepen your practice and find optimal alignment. As with all yoga classes, it’s important to listen to your body and take any rest needed. There is no wrong way to do these poses simply let go of ego and allow yourself to move at your own pace. You’ll feel amazing when you leave class

5. The importance of breath work in Tantric Yoga

Breathwork is an important part of Tantric Yoga, and it serves several purposes. Proper breathing helps you to stay focused and present at the moment, and it also oxygenates your blood and stimulates your nerves. When you breathe deeply, you can access deeper levels of consciousness and open yourself up to greater spiritual experiences. In addition, proper breathwork can help to regulate your moods and create a sense of inner peace

6. Tips for deepening your practice

yoga practice is a personal journey that can be deepened in many ways. Here are some tips to help you deepen your practice and find more growth and satisfaction.

Begin by setting aside time each day for your practice, whether it’s for a few minutes or an hour. Dedicate this time specifically to yoga, and make it a priority. Blocks of time dedicated to your practice will allow you to develop consistency and stick with it over time.

Another way to deepen your practice is by learning about the philosophy behind yoga. Reading about yoga philosophy can give you a greater understanding of the mind-body connection and how yoga works on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.


If you’re intrigued by the prospect of exploring Tantric Yoga, we encourage you to give it a try. It can be a transformative experience if you approach it with an open mind and willingness to learn. Remember that every person’s journey is different, so don’t compare yourself to others or put too much pressure on yourself. Just relax and enjoy the ride. Are you ready to get started? Check out our guide on how to get started with Tantric Yoga for beginners, then head to your nearest studio and give it a go

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